Friday, May 14, 2010

Aloha Friday & Friday Follow

"In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response."

To participate, you ask your readers a question and then sign Kailani's Mister Linky with your Aloha Friday post.

So answer my question then go and head over to An Island Life and answer her question.

My Question:

What did you do or give/get for Mother's Day?

I took my wife as a last minute thing to Park City, UT.  We stayed Friday night in the Park City Peaks.  Then Saturday morning we woke up and had breakfast at The Eating Establishment.  Then we went shopping at the outlets.  In the afternoon we had a birthday to go to, but after it was done we went back to the outlets to let my wife finish her shopping for Mother's Day.  For dinner we went to Kneaders, then headed home.

Happy Following Friday: If your here to follow please find Google Friend Connect on the left side bar and leave me a comment with your link to your blog so I can return the follow.

Friday Follow

Don't forget to enter in the giveaways I have.


Kristie from Kristie's List said...

I came for Aloha Friday, but also do Friday Follow and am your newest follower!

I did not give or get anything for Mother's Day. We went out to lunch with my boyfriend's mom - it was a nice time.

The Social Frog said...

I called my mother. Did not do anything or get or give anything & I am not a mother just yet.

I am Harriet said...

Some clothes from my daughter and a lot of promises from everyone else....again...

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Happy FF
Already following you
Have a great weekend

Stacy Uncorked said...

I got some adorable handmade items from the Princess Nagger, and hubby got me a cool deer oil diffuser, a professional wine chiller/warmer and a ginormous moon stone. He also cooked steaks on the grill for dinner. :)

Aloha: Summer Camp or Not?

Anonymous said...

My husband made me breakfast and dinner and gave me cash! I love cash and food, it was perfect. =)

Kailani said...

I received an iPod Nano. I gave mine to my daughter so DH got me another one. :-)

An Island Life

Colette S said...

I was on a ferry to Alaska on Mother's day. I didn't even rmeember it was Mother's day until dh told the kids to say Happy Mom's day and gave me a cute little trinket.

Unknown said...

Dinner out- flowers, a card Ian made me (even though I'm his gigi) and a t that says worlds coolest mom (which I am) :P